Speaker: Dr. Gianluca Russo
On Demand Webinars

Speaker: Prof. Aggr. Gianna Maria Nardi - Presidente ATASIO

Technology to support clinical practice: clinical benefits and assessment of operator-patient comfort
Speaker: Dr. Alessandro Chiesa

Protocollo Piezoelettrico innovativo nella chirurgia degli ottavi
Speaker: Dr. Jason Motta Jones

Wisdom teeth extraction: an innovative piezoelectric approach
Speaker: Dr. Jason Motta Jones

Periodontal etiological therapy: new paradigm and strategies
Speaker: Dr. Martina Stefanini

Terapia eziologica parodontale: nuovi orientamenti e strategie
Speaker: Dr. Martina Stefanini

Une alternative aux greffes autogènes par ostéotomie segmentaire
Speaker: Dr. Giancarlo Bianca

Wedge implants in narrow ridges: recent clinical and scientific evidence
Speaker: Prof. Claudio Stacchi

Impianti a cuneo in creste sottili: recenti evidenze cliniche e scientifiche
Speaker: Prof. Claudio Stacchi

Three-dimensional augmentation procedures – which technique when and why?
Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz

Dreidimensionale Augmentationstechniken – welche Methode wann und warum?
Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz

The state of the art in sinus lift with Piezosurgery
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tiziano Testori

L’implantoprotesi digitale nelle creste sottili
Speaker: Dott. Andrea Alberghini Maltoni

L'ozono per il controllo microbiologico degli aerosol. Esperienze nella terapia parodontale non chirurgica
Speaker: Prof. Annamaria Genovesi

Komplexe Augmentationstechniken mit Schalentechnik und Knochenblock
Speaker: Dr. Till Gerlach

Complex augmentation procedures with bone shields and bone blocks
Speaker: Dr. Till Gerlach

Approccio non chirurgico attuale alla peri implantite
Speaker: Dott.ssa Maria Gabriella Grusovin

Rexpander: nuova tecnica di preparazione del sito implantare per espansione
Speaker: Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti

Minimizing the risks in maxillary sinus floor elevations by using piezosurgical technology
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christian Makary

Minimiser les risques lors du soulèvement du sinus maxillaire : Avantage de la chirurgie piézoélectrique
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christian Makary