On Demand Webinars

On Demand Webinar
Wisdom teeth extraction: an innovative piezoelectric approach

Speaker: Dr. Jason Motta Jones

On Demand Webinar
Periodontal etiological therapy: new paradigm and strategies

Speaker: Dr. Martina Stefanini

On Demand Webinar
Terapia eziologica parodontale: nuovi orientamenti e strategie

Speaker: Dr. Martina Stefanini

On Demand Webinar
Ortodonzia microchirurgicamente guidata

Speaker: Dr. Marco Finotti

On Demand Webinar
Atraumatic Extraction Using Piezosurgery®

Speaker: Dr. Robert Heller

On Demand Webinar
Three-dimensional augmentation procedures – which technique when and why?

Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz

On Demand Webinar
Dreidimensionale Augmentationstechniken – welche Methode wann und warum?

Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz

On Demand Webinar
The state of the art in sinus lift with Piezosurgery

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tiziano Testori

On Demand Webinar
L’implantoprotesi digitale nelle creste sottili

Speaker: Dott. Andrea Alberghini Maltoni

On Demand Webinar
Approccio non chirurgico attuale alla peri implantite

Speaker: Dott.ssa Maria Gabriella Grusovin

On Demand Webinar
A new SPLIT CREST technique

Speaker: Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti

On Demand Webinar
Sinus lift: An update on recent evolutions

Speaker: Dr. Philippe Russe

On Demand Webinar
Les évolutions récentes du sinus lift

Speaker: Dr. Philippe Russe

On Demand Webinar
Ramus Buccal Shelf Grafting: Piezoelectric Surgery

Speaker: Dr. Michael Pikos

On Demand Webinar
Corticotomy-assisted orthodontics

Speaker: Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva

On Demand Webinar
Aplicação clínica da piezocirurgia: benefícios e indicações

Speaker: Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva